Marina Puerto Escondido | Loreto, Baja California Sur, Mexico


Our team is available to assist you from 9 AM to 5 PM, seven days a week!


1. Where is Loreto?


Loreto is located just 140 miles north of La Paz on the eastern coast of the Baja peninsula. Marina Puerto Escondido lies just 15 miles south of Loreto. Click here to see the location of Loreto on a map.


2. What type of power is available?


We offer two types of power pedestals. There are 100 AMP pedestals that have connections for 125V, 250V, and 480V (for mega yachts) and 50 AMP pedestals that also have connections for 125V and 250V (for smaller yachts.) Ask your dock-hand if you have any additional questions about arranging the right power pedestal for your yacht.

3. What is the maximum draft that the marina entrance canal can accommodate?


The canal can accommodate drafts of between 12.5 ft. during low tide, 14 ft. during mid tide, and more than 17 ft during high tide.

4. What airlines and flights are available at the Loreto International Airport?


Alaska Airlines flies to and from Los Angeles, while Calafia Airlines travels between Loreto, La Paz and Tijuana. Westjet flies to and from Calgary.

5. How long are the flights in and out of the Loreto International Airport?

  • Phoenix – Loreto: about 1.5 hours
  • Dallas – Loreto: about 2 hours
  • Tijuana (San Diego – Loreto: about 1.5 hours
  • Los Angeles – Loreto: about 1.5 hours
  • Calgary – Loreto: about 4 hours

6. What are the fuel station hours?

The fuel station is open daily between 9 am and 4:30 pm.

7. What are the temperatures of the Sea of Cortez year round?

Expect hot and partly cloudy weather conditions in Loreto for the majority of the year. The hottest part of the year is between May 26 – October 8, where the temperature hovers around 91°F. During Loreto’s cool season between November 30 – March 3, temperatures drop between 59°F and 78°F.

8. What is the wind speed during the winter

When Northers are absent, average wind speed is 5 mph in winter. However, a standard Norther will blow 25 – 30 kts. for 2-4 days, occurring between late November and mid-March. To get live wind information from data obtained at Puerto Escondido, click here.

9. When do hurricanes hit Baja California Sur?

The hurricane season in Baja California Sur runs from mid-August through mid-October. An average of 16 storms pass over the Baja peninsula, and of those 16, typically only 3-4 range with enough strength to achieve hurricane classification.

10. Is the water in the Marina potable?

Yes, the water from the facilities is potable.

11. Where can I get medical care in Loreto?

Loreto has a public hospital and a medical center that can assist in most cases, but for major health emergencies, we recommend either Ciudad Constitución or La Paz.

12. Am I allowed to fish in the marina?

You may not fish inside the marina and may only fish with a fishing license in the National Marine Park of Loreto. Click here for sport fishing information.

13. Can we jet ski at the marina?

Jet skis are not allowed inside the Bay of Loreto National Marine Park.

14. Where is the nearest beach where I can swim?

You may swim at the beach at Danzante Island, which is about 3 miles away from Marina Puerto Escondido.

15. What is the elevation of the Cerro Tabor Palmilla peaks of the Sierra de la Giganta above Marina Puerto Escondido?

The Cerro Tabor Palmilla peaks above the marina are 3,000 ft. tall.

16. What activities can I do besides marine activities?

There are a variety of activities on land that you can enjoy at the marina, including hiking, cycling, fine dining, hunting and motorsports. See our Adventure by Land and Sea page for more information.

17. I’m not a Mexican citizen  How do I become a property owner in Mexico?

You need to obtain a Fideicomiso Mexican Property Trust.

A permit issued to a bank authorizes them as a trustee to purchase a property using a Fideicomiso (Mexican Property Trust), where the foreign purchaser is the sole beneficiary. The real estate asset is owned by the Trust, not the bank, and the beneficiary has the right to direct the Trustee for the development, use and sale of the asset in the Trust. The initial term of a Fideicomiso is 50 years with renewal in increments of 50 years, indefinitely.

The beneficiary of the trust can be an individual, partners, trust or foreign corporation. Forming a Mexican Property Trust will take up to 60 days and is the specialty of many law firms with expertise in this area. Reputable real estate firms and banks in Mexico will understand how to guide you in getting a Fideicomiso Mexican Property Trust.

It is recommended that you purchase Title Insurance for all real estate transactions. Clear title is key to managing the risk with any purchase of property and can only be guaranteed with proper title searches by either a Mexican or U.S.A. title company.

For more information about renting or owning property in Baja California, visit

Contact our Guest Services Team with any additional questions you may have. To arrange your stay at Marina Puerto Escondido, click here to reserve your slip.


18. Where can I get more information about bringing my boat to Mexico?

Click here to access a guide with all you need to know about coming to Mexico with your private boat.

19. How far is the drive between Loreto and La Paz and Tijuana?

The drive between Loreto and La Paz on the transpeninsular highway is 221 miles, and the drive between Loreto and Tijuana is 694 miles.


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